Garmin Edge〓 Explore 2, Easy-to-Use GPS Cycling Navigator, eBike Compatibility, Maps and Navigation, with Safety Features
Garmin Edge〓 Explore 2, Easy-to-Use GPS Cycling Navigator, eBike Compatibility, Maps and Navigation, with Safety Features
- Easy-to-use GPS cycling computer with 3” high-resolution, glove- and rain-friendly touchscreen that’s visible even in direct sunlight
- Simple setup complete with preloaded road, off-road and indoor activity profiles that are ready to use right out of the box
- Ride like a local, whatever your bike type, with improved ride type-specific maps that highlight popular roads and trails, searchable POIs and even eBike routing
- See high-traffic roads directly on the map to help you stay aware as you ride and make informed choices for your route
- When connected to your compatible eBike, receive navigation guidance and alerts based on your bike’s battery status, assist level and range
- When paired with your smartphone, stay connected with the LiveTrack and GroupTrack features, smart notifications, rider-to-rider messaging and built-in incident detection (during outdoor rides)
- Built-in GPS tracks how far, how fast, how high and where you ride
- Compatible with sensors (sold separately) for monitoring heart rate, bike speed, bike cadence and more
- Compatible with Varia cycling awareness devices (sold separately), including smart bike lights and rearview radar, to detect cars and alert drivers
- During indoor rides, pair with your smartphone, and control music directly from your Edge deviceカテゴリー: GPS
メーカー: Garmin
ブランド: Garmin
高さ: 14.6 センチ
幅: 13.7 センチ
奥行: 6.0 センチ
重量: 0.3 Kg
Garmin Edge〓 Explore 2, Easy-to-Use GPS Cycling Navigator, eBike Compatibility, Maps and Navigation, with Safety Features
ラッシングベルト 新色登場 ガチャガチャ ラチェット式 バックル式 ワッカ しぼり縫製 アイタイプ Iフック 幅50mm 固定側1m 巻側5m 工具 作業 ニコレッタ 4
I'm definitely not saying that this is a bad knife, in fact this is a fantastic knife, great quality, happy about the purchase. But when I buy a new knife (especially a high quality knife like this) I expect it to cut paper as if it was a hot knife gliding through butter. But it wasn't the case, it failed the paper test (mostly tore it instead of cutting it), and also failed the tomato test (couldn't cut through a tomato without me holding the tomato in place). The top half of the blade was sharpened properly, but the bottom half wasn't. It's a minor convenience, but it was kind of disappointing that I had to prepare my sharpening tools to sharpen a brand new knife. (Don't misunderstand, it wasn't dull! It just wasn't as sharp as I expected it to be. I sharpened it with whetstones from 5000 to 10000 grid). So it's not the end of the world, but it definitely took away the excitement of trying a new knife. It might only be the one I purchased, but a little more effort during the sharpening would be appreciated.Now that I sharpened it, it works like magic.
Garmin announces Edge Explore 2 series of cycling navigators
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Garmin Edge Explore 2 GPS Cycling Computer | BIKE24
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