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桒島浩司 5
メディアを読み込めませんでした。I absolutely LOVE them! I have been looking for a western pair of boots in a style that I liked for a wedding. They look just like the photos (non-model ones) and are so stylish! Also came with 2x strawberry sachets that smell nice and offset any factory smell from the shoes, which I didn't notice any at all.I bought the size 40 which is roughly 25cm. I typically wear a 24.5cm shoe but being these are boots I'd rather have more room just in case, rather than too little. It's easier to add sole inserts or wear socks to help with the fit. I probably would prefer having got a size smaller but it's not so bad I need to return it. The tread on the boot is a typical smooth type so I will need to add a more durable non-slip tread later because I want these to last forever.The toe area comes to a squared point beyond the toes, so it seems longer than 25cm due to that extra room. Which also means my toes aren't cramped at all, they don't even reach the area where the toe starts to narrow. But my foot doesn't slide around much either, like the shaft of the boots fit helps prevent that. The best part is that the back of the heel area and the very end of the squared toes are stiff and protective. The rest of the boot is soft and easy to walk in compared to those reinforced areas. Which means I don't have to break in the shoes and risk any pain or discomfort.The shaft of the boot fit me just fine with not much of a gap around my calf, but it wasn't at all tight either. If you feel like you have larger calves then it may be tight for you. They easily reached up to nearly my knee (166cm tall) but I felt I could also push the boots down for a slouchy look too.The stud decorations look amazing and so fun! The inside of the boot has a black lining that some may find lesser quality or scratchy at times. But over all I'm not upset by it right now. Not a whole lot of cushion to the inside sole, but given the size is a little large I can add a padded insert without a problem later.PROS:+ stylish (same as non-model photos)+ toe reinforced and roomy area+ size+ fabric look and feel+ included strawberry sachets to offset any factory smellCONS:- interior lining (fine but maybe scratchy on skin)- sole comfort (can add inserts though)- boot tread (bit too smooth in my opinion)
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