OTAGO シリコンリング 結婚指輪 レディース メンズ 8つのカラフルなリング ソフトで安全 スポーツ 家事 快適フィット ファッション 愛らしい結婚指輪 交換品 (サ
OTAGO シリコンリング 結婚指輪 レディース メンズ 8つのカラフルなリング ソフトで安全 スポーツ 家事 快適フィット ファッション 愛らしい結婚指輪 交換品 (サ
- Warranty:OTAGO rings for women size is from 5-14.We have size chart guide images.Check out the sizing guide posted in the images before order.You can contact our customer service department if you need more assistance.OTAGO rings are covered by a lifetime replacement guarantee for any defect.
- Stylish and comfortable:OTAGO stylish rings come 2 Metallic color rings and 6 classic rings.Our ring is comfortable and adorable and you will love them!You can wear our ring at any on any occasions,such as workplace,gym,dating,shopping,sports and party.
- For active person:OTAGO rings are made of food degree premium silicone and is safe to wear.Our rings use advanced technology to reduce the weight of rings.OTAGO ring has an soft ergonomic design on the top combined with a perfect comfort fit design on the inside.OTAGO ring is so light, it feels like nothing and you will not even know you're wearing it.Our ring is for your active lifestyle,workout,biking,swimming,manual labor or any other physical activities.
- Wedding rings:OTAGO ring is a perfect alternative to replace your wedding rings.All the combined with an amazing fashion wedding ring design.Create the perfect silicone wedding ring.You can avoid the risk of losing your expensive metal wedding ring when you remove it to do physical activities or manual work.
- The Perfect gift for her:The adorable 8 color rings come in a fancy gift box.The ring is stylish,lightness,comfortable and fashion.Our ring is a great gift idea for wife,husband,Valentine's Day,anniversaries,birthdays,Mother's Day,weddings and more.説明: OTAGO?Wedding?Ring?is?the?most?High-Performance?Wedding?Rings?for?the?Totally?Committed!
カテゴリー: 指輪
メーカー: OTAGO
ブランド: OTAGO
高さ: 13.7 センチ
幅: 7.1 センチ
奥行: 1.8 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg
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