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Having had a chance to use this now, I can give a balanced review.The table-saw is worth the money. It's quite cheap (by standards in Japan) and does the job. Where it's lacking though is in accuracy and repeatability. Allow me to highlight the negatives:The parallel guide only fixtures at one point, which leads to run-out at the back, this means that you MUST ALWAYS measure the distance along the parallel guide, front to back, along the entire length of the guide and saw. I know you're always supposed to measure after setting anyway but this is a DIY saw and most people won't.There is slop in the parallel guide and mitre guide, this means there is a chance of a deviation of up to 1mm on a crosscut, quite important when looking for accuracy.The saw will vibrate when under heavy load, this is an issue with the angle mechanism not being robust enough and allowing movement when locked, more chance for deviation on crosscut or rip cut.Overall it's alright for a DIY novice where accuracy isn't 'too' important (but when is it not?) or a weekend warrior making outdoor furniture, but don't buy this saw expecting incredibly close fitting mitres or even dados.Buy if you have limited space and don't need accuracy. Don't buy if you're making furniture. This will do for me, for now, but it's going as soon as I have my workshop.
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