hakkman 5 Another man wrote about this bolt.やっぱり、まっすぐには行かない。So, what I did was...Not tighten the bolt all the way.I put it in enough to secure the pieces.As the bolt strips, and wears out, I can tighten it again and again, a little at a time.In that way, the pieces will hold for a longer time. After those have worn out, if have to use a larger bolt and rethread the insert.The other thing I don't like are the handles to lock the position. They're too far to reach and I have long arms. Must be difficult to lock the position of you're a short armed person.Other than that, it's a great big chair for a good price!
KO 3 グレーを購入しました。色やデザインは気に入っていますが、背もたれの高さが低い点が不満!それよりもっと不満なのが1ヶ月もしないうちに中のスポンジがへたったのか、肘掛け部分と背もたれ部分の上の方の骨組みが体に当たって痛い。背中部分と肘掛け部分にスポンジかワタを追加で入れたい気分です!もともと入れてるスポンジが薄すぎると思います。