ma 2 大きいサイズのメスティンを買い足すのに、一式セットになっていたので購入。ですが、風防は全く使い物になりません。保護シートは綺麗に剥がせましたが、端の棒を通す穴が1つないのと(1つなくても他にも通し穴があるので、こちらは大した問題ではありません)風防同士を繋げている棒が通し穴からあっちこっち抜け落ちてしまうので、開く度、動かす度にさし直し。1回だけ根気よく使ってみましたが、風防は勿体ないけど、もう使わないかな…
Japan Consumer 5 I tried numerous LED bulbs, but I rejected them all because they were not bright enough or did not produce a "clear" light (despite the specifications on the packaging).The Rohas Mini Krypton is a keeper and perfect!! I purchased the bulb color option and it is even brighter and beams light more broadly than the 60w bulb it is replacing. A terrific product and an incredible value given its electricity savings.I had some questions about the use and specifications of the Rohas LED bulb. I contacted Rohas customer service, and I received timely, professional and helpful responses. Surpassed expectations. It is good to know there are actual persons representing the company who offer wonderful customer service.In summary, I am thoroughly happy with the Rohas LED bulbs and its customers support.Great job Rohas!