kom 3 少し漢方ぽい匂いがあるもののあまり気にならず、小さすぎず大きすぎない錠剤なので難なく飲めます。1日に飲む数が多くなくていいです。頭痛薬に頼るほどではないけどすっきりしない時に重宝しそうです。頭痛薬は気軽に飲むのが気がひけますがこちらならちょっと気になった時に飲めるのでストレスが減りそうで期待大です。しばらく気になった時に飲んで続けてみたいと思えるお品です。
maomagojii 5 I was feeling fatigued before I found this product. I searches the web for possible causes. It seemed like, my liver was not in good condition. Then I searched The web for products available in Japan to improve my situation while improving my lifestyle ( exercising, eating healthier, etc). Then I found this product in Amazon and tried it (single purchase). Then I noticed some improvements in my health. So, I registered for the Subscribe and Save. It is my 3rd purchase of this. And I intend to continue for a better health, better liver condition.