Blake 3 This printer is a good printer, but do your research before buying. There are a lot of videos out there about the Ender3 v2. I had to make a lot upgrades to printer in order for it to work appropriately and I still have a few more upgrades to make. You should expect this to be a hobby.Also, there is a big difference between 3d printing and 3d designing. If you want to print your own items, please learn how to use 3d designing software.Assembly: The instructions that come with it are hard to follow. You can look on YouTube for help. I had to watch a tutorial to build it.Build: It is a solid build. The main components are good but the minor components will need to be upgraded.Noise: it is quieter than what I expected. You can still hear it, but a shut door will help.Issues:1. My bowden tube broke after a few printer. I had to order an upgraded tube and clamp to fix it.2. I had issues leveling the bed. I had to get an auto bed leveler for it. It still messes up because I have to upgrade the springs on it.Pros:1. It is somewhat a budget friendly printer.2. There are a lot of online tutorials for it.3. When it works you can create good printsCons:1. It had to be upgraded in order to work2. It doesn't have good instructions.