Metz 4 iPad Air 4を購入したことで持ち歩きように購入。iPad Air 4にSmart Folioを取り付けたままでも余裕があります。iPadと共にモバイルバッテリーやケーブルも余裕をもって入れることが出来ます。小物が収納できるポケットが充実しているので散らかることなく収納できます。マチもそれなりにあることから、少々かさばる荷物も入りそう。コスパが素晴らしいと感じました。カラーバリエーションがあれば文句なしなのですが。
タカさん 4 I love the glittery look of this cover, it is very pretty, but the photo on the product page doesn't accurately reflect the true look of the cover, so I have added a couple of photos to try and show that.The keyboard cover is the updated one (small arrow keys) for the 2020 M1 MacBook Air, but still some of the key symbols don't match the real keys. Shame!Lastly, this one doesn't fit quite as snuggly as the Two-L one I had previously. I just hope it doesn't crack as easily as that one did, and as some people have reported in the reviews.