E-Value パイプレンチ 250mm EPW-250I
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John's Blend フレグランスジェル缶 ホワイトムスクの香り ジョンズブレンド 芳香剤 OA-JON-38-1 ノルコーポレーション AKV 5
What I liked about the product:1. The product was delivered in a very professional package and included everything needed.2. The M.2 interface board was put together very well.3. After assembling the product, I tested the read and write speed using USB-C and USB-3.0 cables included with the product. The speed test results were good and in general transferring large files over 1Gb via USB-3.0 tends to stay around 300Mb/s, which is good for the price.4.The enclosure is made of metal and by using extra thermal pads it is easy to use it as a heat sink.A couple of things that I didn't like:1. The thermal pad that is included with the product is not cut cleanly.2. The thermal pad that is included is not enough for good heat transfer. I had to purchase more thermal pads. Because there is no air moving through the enclosure, you want a thermal pad between the M.2 drive and the module; I had to use 2 for this. Then, you want a thermal pad connecting the module to the enclosure on both sides so it can be used a heat sink. Overall, I used 4 thermal pads to drive the heat away and use the enclosure as a proper heat sink.3. I tested the heat during the speed test, and it was near 50C. So, the enclosure works as a heat sink but definitely gets hot to the touch.Overall, for the price that I paid for this product and my expectations, I have to give it 5 stars. If this product was $60 USD, then I would give it 4 stars because I would expect the product to be more perfect.
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