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??? 5
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Todd Macdonald 5
The company was very helpful with me before I purchased this jacket. If you want support to answer you in a timely manner, this is the company that you should go with.This is the second time that I purchased from this company. The first time was I bought a XXXL but this time because of the weight that I put on during the pandemic, I bought a XXXXL.My suggestion to you would be to get a size, possibly two sizes larger than usualso that you can wear it over other items such as me.It is a warm jacket and feels good.The one thing that I don't like is that the zippers on the pockets are a two small.When I am wearing the jacket, it is hard to open or close the pockets. I have told the company this as well. I think that a better quality and larger zipper needs to be used. As is, I feel that I might break the current zippers. When I take the jacket off, they open and close easily.I also feel that the main front zipper could use one grade up on quality and size for the zipper.Overall for the price, I like this jacket and would order it again. The zipper on the front eventually did break on my first jacket after 2 years of using it. I thought that they upgraded the zipper but I don't think that they did. But the jacket and service are still well worth the price.