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ClaudiaInJapan 3
....but when the Package arrived, I was very disappointed about the outcome. First, the Picture was not packed securely, it was rolled with the printed side out and had sticks and dirt on this printed side. No cover to save it from scratches, nothing! Too bad. Then the Tree itself does not really look like than the offered one , it is very overexposed, the depth of the colors, especially the green is completely missing.And the third thing I am complaining about is the two bumps across the entire Picture. Picture and seal on the back are also not setted up neatly and makes it unable to maybe put it in a frame or just pin it, instead if stick it. All together it seems that this picture is not put together properly and with no care.(Other sellers did a greater job with similar items, so I am able to compare). So, I think, I will not use it like that.Its just not in good shape and quality.....Too bad.
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コージー 5