AVEDA アヴェダ ミニ パドルブラシ ヘアブラシ 箱付き 正規品 Miniサイズ ヘアケア 頭皮マッサージ
Amazon Customer 5
I was a keen cyclist when younger and still have a nice road machine, but it's amazing to think that today, for less than the cost of a single wheel on my Colnago, one can buy a whole bike with an aluminium frame, a Shimano groupset and excellent all-round performance. I bought this a little over a month ago for riding around town and it's perfect. In fact, one of my colleagues was so impressed that he went out and bought the exact same one. He's just as happy as I am.The biggest potential issue that some people may face is that some assembly is required. If you're not used to putting bikes together, this might seem tricky at first, but it's honestly pretty straightforward. The main thing is to be careful to put the pedals on the correct side of the cranks, as the threads run in opposite directions.If you're in Japan, this comes with paperwork that you take to the local bike shop and they'll issue you a registration sticker for about 500 yen. It takes about a month to come through, so make sure to keep the receipt in a wallet or have a photo of it on your 'phone until then.The wheels use Presta- or French-type valves for their tubes, so you might want to make sure you have the correct pump. That's not really a problem, however, as they're easy to find and cheap, and there's also an adapter for Dunlop/English valves. One other point - the frame doesn't have the threaded lugs on the frame for a rear rack. Thus, you would need to get the type that bolts to the seatpost and seat stays if you want such a thing.Overall, this is a great bike at a great price. It runs well and feels light and comfortable. Highly recommended.
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