Matsu 5 My 2017 Paperwhite Kindle already seems obsolete judging by the limited choices available for a cover. Eventually, while searching for a new cover I read about Fintie and saw that it has thousands of good reviews in the US Amazon site. The design is from the USA and I think it is manufactured in China. The Kindle snaps into the cover. I'm not quite sure how to remove the Kindle now so I hope that it lasts as long as the life of the cover! It truly does automatically turn the Kindle off and on as you open and close the cover. At first, the interior side of the cover felt a little strange to my fingertips as the sensation was different from my old cover but I have gotten adjusted it it now and don't notice. It's thin and sleek looking. Black is a nice "go everywhere" color and I didn't want something too gaudy so I am very happy with this choice so far.